Saturday, January 21, 2012

Subway Car Texture Options

Which do you guys like the best?  This is an exterior diffuse.  I have not applied the NM on these images, nor have I created a Spec Map.



Option3 (original)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prototyping Texture Work

This model belongs to Warren "JJ" MacDonald.  I UV'd and textured it for our upcoming UDK based FPS for Prototyping.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prototyping - Messing in UDK

So far this is what the level looks like in God mode.

Starting area, this is the room that will contain Jamie's incubation tube in the center.

Transitioning from a clean, steril/ scientific area to the maintinence tunnels.  This small room (in white) is kind of like a decontamination chamber.

The corridor lit in UDK.